How to Show Location on Blogger Posts

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While location services are gaining more and more coverage and users, it’s easy to overlook similar features for bloggers. For Blogger users, geo-tagging articles is available as a feature of Blogger in Draft. If you use it as your default dashboard, you have probably noticed the ‘Location’ box below the post editor, next to ‘Labels’. Once you search and add a location, the data is added to the blog post and the RSS feed after publishing.
Of course, adding a location doesn’t always make sense or adds relevant information for the reader. But if you run a photo-blog, for example, location can add valuable context to the photos you are sharing and talking about. The information could be used by search engines to correctly rank the blog posts when doing a local search. I’m not sure if that is the case now, but I don’t think there is a technical reason why this couldn’t be implemented.
The article location can also be displayed for the visitors on the web site. With a fresh, unaltered template it’s only a matter of activating a check box: in the Blogger in Draft dashboard, go toDesign  Page Elements, click Edit on the Blog Posts widget and activate the check box like in the screen shot on the right. Here you can set up where the new box will appear in the blog post and the caption – by default “Location: ”. After saving, the blog should display a new element on those blog posts where you specified a location during compose.
If that’s not the case, there is always the manual fix: a piece of code to be added to the template. On the same Design tab, visit Edit HTML – preferably after you back-up the template, check Expand Widget Templates and add the code below:
span class='post-location'>
<b:if cond='data:top.showLocation'> <b:if cond='data:post.location'>
  <data:postLocationLabel/> <a expr:href='data:post.location.mapsUrl' target='_blank'><></a> </b:if> </b:if> </span
Where you add the code depends on where you want the location element to display. To show it in the footer for example, paste the lines after <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>. I added it in line right after the post time stamp; in this case, look for <div class='post-header-line-1'> and add the location code after the two closing <span> tags for author and time stamp.
It’s a bit odd that this feature, launched more than a year and half ago, still wasn’t added to the regular Blogger Dashboard for all users, while other features took a couple of months to graduate. My guess is the Blogger team is waiting for a more wide-spread support of geo-location in browsers; instead of manually choosing the location, the browser could detect and suggest it to the user, making geo-tagging easier and faster


Right Way to Optimize Permalinks in Blogger

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Now we are going to discus another feature that enables you to more effectively customise your search preferences, permalinks.
When you write a post, Blogger automatically generates a permalink for you which based on the title of the postCustom permalinks give you more control of your blog and posts. These new custom links also provide readers with more information about your post when scanning search results.If you prefer to use a custom permalink, you can do so via the “Permalink” option in the Post Settings box as shown in image (B). 
To create your own URL for a specific post, simply select Post title “Right Way to Optimise Permalinks in Blogger”,  The auto generating url of blogger is
and now you want to customize the url simply click on "Custum URL" & enter your new desired URL in the field. Suppose I write "Permalinksin custom URL field then my customized URL is
The bolted & red coloured area is the portion of the URL that is customisable.As I am writing this post in OCT 2013 therefore it shows "2013/10" in my URL. If the custom permalink you entered already exists, Blogger will attempt find a free one for you.
At present, the characters allowed in a custom URL are limited to: a-z, A-Z, 0-1. The only special characters available are underscore, dash, and period.


How to Create Labels in Blogger Posts?

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Labels are an easy way to categorise or tag blog posts. When writing or editing blog posts, you can add labels easily by clicking the Labels section in the right-hand column. .When you click on labels its looks like image given below
Labels are an easy way to categorise or tag blog posts. When writing or editing blog posts, you can add labels easily by clicking the Labels section in the right-hand column. .When you click on labels its looks like image given below.You can also add a Label Gadget to your blog in the Layout section of your site (see  
Gadgets and the Blogger Layout). When choosing to add a Label Gadget, select whether you would like it to display Labels in a list, or as a “Tag Cloud” in which commonly used labels appear more prominently than those less used.


How To Schedule Your Post In Blogger To Publish Automatically?

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Blogger is a very popular and and favourite blogging platform which deals with lot of latest bloging features but most of user not aware from latest blogging features of blogger.And scheduling a post is another feature which seems to be pretty much hidden from all of the blogger users. If you'd like your post to automatically publish at a specific date and time, you can schedule your posts on the Post Editor. Under "Post Settings" on the right-hand side, just click on Schedule.

When you can get clicked on Schedule than it will expand as given below.If you select Set date and time, you can choose a date and time on a calendar for your post to be automatically published.

Now Go and Click the publish button .Don't worry -- your post will only publish at the date and time that you've determined in the settings. We are just scheduling it. After you click the publish button all the work is done. Now you will be able to see a tag attached to your post which means you have schedule your post for automatic publishing.


Upload Video to Blogger Post

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You can add video content to your blog posts by clicking on insert video option:
When You get clicked on insert video option this type of window will be open to you as given below

Upload a video from your hard drive
Search You Tube for a video to embed
Insert a video from those you have uploaded to You Tube
Add a video from your mobile phone
Record a video using your web cam
Remember Always
  • You can upload of 100mb max size of video to blogger post for checking the size of desired uploading file right click on file and select properties & if you are a Mac user then  right click on the file and Click “File Info.If your selected file is over than 100mb than use video compressor software to make small size.
Video settings for Uploading Video to Blogger
  • QUALITY: 50% 
  • FRAME SIZE 640x480 (4:3)
Videos which are available to embed in your post will appear in the main section to  the right. If you upload a video, the code required to embed the video in your post will be  automatically added so you don't need to tinker with the post's HTML. Select the video you would like to add. The video thumbnail will enlarge enabling you to  preview it in a small player before inserting into your post.


Upload Images to Blogger Post

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There are many ways of choosing images to include in your blog posts:
  • Upload an image from your hard drive
  • Insert an image previously uploaded to this blog 
  • Add an image hosted in Picasa Web Albums 
  • Upload from your mobile phone
  • Use your web cam
  • Paste the URL of an image hosted elsewhere
To add an image, click the insertimage button in the posting toolbar and select the method you
would like to use. When You get clicked on insert video option this type of window will be open to you as given below

For added images to your blog upload and select images  and click the “Add Selected” button. By default, the images you paste into your posts will be “medium” sized and will be aligned to the centre of the page .If you want to change the alignment, size or other image options, click on the image in the text editor to see a menu of available options: When you upload images to your blog, these will be automatically added to an album on Picasa which is named using the title of your blog. If you ever want to reuse a previously uploaded image, you can select “From this blog” in the image menu.


Understand New Post Layout of Blogger

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Its a main screen of New Post of bloggers blog . in this post we will discus all about its layout

   : This is undo & redo buttons 

  • Use  for font style
  • Its used for text small and large.
  • Its Used for Heading , Subheading , Minor Heading & Normal Text style.
  • Use bold, italic, underlined or strike-through text using the buttons above the form
  • Use different coloured fonts and background colours using the drop-down buttons
   By Using "Link" you can insert link on your selected text.  
 For Insert Pictures & Videos
     For Insert a Jump Break in Paragraph.

 Text Alignment Insert a numerical (ordered) or bullet (unordered) list 
Select an area of text to appear as a quote using the block quote button 
 By using this feature all formatting of text remove.9- Its used for to check spells in our Post


What is Blogger ?

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Blogger is Google’s free tool for creating blogs.It Established by Pyra Labs in 1999.Google purchased Pyra in 2003 & set as free blogging plate form.Now a days blogger is very popular plate form is considered for blogging.There are many reasons to choose Blogger to publish Free blogs.You can use blogs for everything from updating your friends and family about your life, giving your own advice column, discussing your political views, or relating your experience in a topic of interest. You can host blogs with multiple contributors, or you can run your own solo show. You can even use Blogger to make your own feeds.Although there are fancier blog tools out there, the mixture of cost (free) and flexibility makes Blogger one of the best deals around.Blogs are hosted on Google servers, and have no limitations on bandwidth. It is easily integrated with other Google services, such as Picasa, You Tube, Google Plus, AdSense, and Google Analytics.
Blogger for Beginners is a basic guide to starting out with the Google Blogger platform. Through easy-to-follow instructions, this guide will take you from starting your first blog  through configuring important settings, writing blog posts and customizing the appearance of your site.  

This Tutorial is divided into these main Topics which we discuss step by step: 
Each section includes concise instructions and helpful screen shots Tips and Tricks.I hope you enjoy using this tutorial as you take your first steps towards becoming a Blogger.Feel free to contact me if you find any problem regarding tutorial


How to creat a blog

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1-  If you've never used Blogger before, this tutorial will teach you all tips step by step  with pictures. First of all sign in to Blogger, simply with your Google Account.  If you don't have a Google Account  yet, you can create one here

2-  As you click on sign in button a new page open in a window which look like given below . You can see this only first time after creating and signing in to account later on it will be redirect to your blogger dashboard.

3- Its our blogger Dashboard in which our blogs are listed.

4- By clicking on on "New blog" button as shown in above image. When you get clicked then the image will open as given below.Put your blog title which is relevant to your blog , perhaps including a keyword or two connected to your content. This will help people find your blog more easily in search engines. Now you have to enter your blog URL which also relevant to your blog contents . It's also useful to match the URL to the title of your site, as in the example below.
Next, pick a “starter template” from the selection further down the page.You can easily change or customise this later, so for now just choose the style you like best. Finally, click the orange “Create Blog” button and your blog will be ready to use! You can start publishing right away or begin to find your way around the Blogger Dashboard.

5-  If you visiting your blog after creating than you'd be presented with a notice explaining that there are “no posts” to display on the blog . For create post for your blog go back to dash board.

6- Its blogger Dashboard now click on desired blog in which you want to create a post.

7-Click on " New Post" to create a New Post

8- This will bring up the blog posting form in which you can write your post . To learn more Blogger new post layout click here.


How to Create a Gmail Account

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Gmail has been increasing in popularity since it was first introduced in 2004. Gmail‘ is a web-based free email account service  which can be  send & stored emails  on the Internet rather than on your computer. Internet email can be a flexible option as you can access emails from any computer that has Internet access.
Step-by-step instructions to create a Gmail account
  • First of all open Gmail website
  • Click On " Create an Account " 

2-  When you click on " Create an Account "  new window will open as shown below

  • Enter your first name and last names under Name.
  • Type your desired user name under Choose your user name.
  • Your Gmail email address will be that user name followed by ""; If your Gmail user name is "example", for instance, your Gmail address will be "".
  • If Gmail lets you know that your desired user name is not available, enter a different desired name under Choose your user name or click one of the proposals under Available:.
  • Type the desired password for your Gmail account under Create a password and Confirm your password.

  •  3-
    • Select and enter your birthday under Birthday.
    • Choose your gender under Gender.
    • Enter your mobile phone number underMobile phone for account verification and authorization.
    • Enter an existing email address underYour current email address if you want to be able to recover a lost password with it.
    • Note : Phone Number & Secondary Email Address is Optionally, 
    • Now type the characters in the captcha picture under Prove you're not a robot.
    • Select your country or location under Location.
    • Read Google's terms for serving Gmail & Make sure I agree to Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy is checked.
    • Check Google may use my account information to personalise +1's on content and ads on on-Google websites , Its Optionally.
    • Click Next Button.

    5- When you clicked on next button then a new window appear to as shown below . Here upload your image or skip to later.

    6- Now click Continue to Gmail.

    7- Now Gmail is Loading

    8- Always be happy with Free Gmail Account