What is Blogger ?

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Monday, 28 October 2013 By Unknown

Blogger is Google’s free tool for creating blogs.It Established by Pyra Labs in 1999.Google purchased Pyra in 2003 & set as free blogging plate form.Now a days blogger is very popular plate form is considered for blogging.There are many reasons to choose Blogger to publish Free blogs.You can use blogs for everything from updating your friends and family about your life, giving your own advice column, discussing your political views, or relating your experience in a topic of interest. You can host blogs with multiple contributors, or you can run your own solo show. You can even use Blogger to make your own feeds.Although there are fancier blog tools out there, the mixture of cost (free) and flexibility makes Blogger one of the best deals around.Blogs are hosted on Google servers, and have no limitations on bandwidth. It is easily integrated with other Google services, such as Picasa, You Tube, Google Plus, AdSense, and Google Analytics.
Blogger for Beginners is a basic guide to starting out with the Google Blogger platform. Through easy-to-follow instructions, this guide will take you from starting your first blog  through configuring important settings, writing blog posts and customizing the appearance of your site.  

This Tutorial is divided into these main Topics which we discuss step by step: 
Each section includes concise instructions and helpful screen shots Tips and Tricks.I hope you enjoy using this tutorial as you take your first steps towards becoming a Blogger.Feel free to contact me if you find any problem regarding tutorial

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